

















现为华北电力大学3044永利集团|官方网站教授、博导,华北电力大学燃气轮机研究中心主任。目前是中国工程热物理学会会员,中国电机工程学会燃气轮机发电专业委员会委员,中国联合重型燃气轮机技术有限公司专家委员会委员,担任国家自然科学基金面上项目通讯评议专家,国内外知名杂志特约审稿专家。1996年7月毕业于太原理工大学热能工程系,2002年7月在中国科学院工程热物理研究所获工学博士学位。主要从事先进能量系统集成与优化研究,包括整体煤气化联合循环系统; 分布式能量系统,燃料电池复合动力系统,太阳能-化石燃料多能互补动力系统等。曾于2008.03至009.07 赴美国麻省理工学院MIT Energy Initiative作为访问学者,参与MIT与英国BP碳转化利用合作研究项目,参加了考虑回收CO2的整体煤气化联合循环系统性能研究工作并取得重要进展,作为主研人完成了系统模型开发、集成及最终科研报告的撰写编制等工作。曾主持国家基金委面上及青年基金项目、国家重点研发计划项目课题、国家863计划项目课题以及国家科技重大专项项目课题等项目十余项。2012年入选“北京市优秀人才”。已在国内外核心期刊上发表论文90余篇,30余篇SCI收录,多数被EI收录;发明专18项已授权,出版CO2零排放研究方面译著1部,参与编著3本著作。





[1]国家科技重大专项项目课题, 重型燃气轮机及联合循环热经济性分析与优化, 2018-08至2023-07,在研,主持






[7]北京市优秀人才项目“回收CO2的MCFC复合动力系统集成机理与设计基础”, 2012.6至2014.6,已结题,主持



[10] 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目“大型燃煤发电机组全工况能耗的时空分布、评价方法与系统集成;2009-2013,已结题,参加

[11]教育部重大项目 “分布式能源发电系统并网运行关键技术”; 2006.01-2009.12,已结题,参加;

[12]教育部重点项目“基于资源循环的城市生活垃圾和污水集成处理研究” ,2007.01-2009.12,已结题,参加;


[14]国家自然科学基金项目“分布式能量系统集成机理与设计基础”; 2005.01-2007.12,已结题,参加

[15]教育部创新团队项目“电站设备状态监测与失效预防”, 2008.01-2010.12,已结题,参加。





[1]Liqiang Duan, Zhen Wang , Yaofei Guo,Off-design performance characteristics study on ISCC system with solar direct steam generation system,Energy 205 (2020) 118044

[2] Ming-Jun Liao, Li-Qiang Duan, Explosive boiling of liquid argon films on flat and

nanostructured surfaces, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2020, VOL. 78, NO. 3, 94–105

[3]Jianxing Wang,Liqiang Duan,Yongping Yang,An improvement crossover operation method in genetic algorithm and spatial optimization of heliostat field, Energy, 2018.7.15, 155:15~28,

[4] Jianxing Wang,Liqiang Duan,Yongping Yang,Zhiping Yang,Study on the general system integration optimization method of the solar aided coal-fired power generation system, Energy 169 (2019) 660-673

[5] Jianxing Wang,Liqiang Duan,Yongping Yang,Yang Laishun. Rapid design of a heliostat field by analytic geometry methods and evaluation of maximum optical efficiency map. Solar Energy, 2019, 180:456-467

[6]Jianxing Wang,Liqiang Duan, Yang Yongping, Pang Liping, Yang Laishun. Multi-objective optimization of the solar aided coal-fired power generation system under off-design work conditions. Energy Science & Engineering, 2019, 7:379-398

[7] Liqiang DUAN,Tao Feng,Shilun JIA,Xiaohui Yu,Study on the performance of coal-fired power plant integrated with Ca-looping CO2 capture system with recarbonation process,Energy,2016.11.15,115(1):942~953

[8] Liqiang Duan,Siyu Sun,LongYue,WanjunQu,JingBian,Study on different zero CO2 emission IGCC systems with CO2 capture by integrating OTM,International Journal of Energy Research,2016.8.01,40(10):1410~1427

[9] Liqiang Duan,Long Yue,Wanjun Qu,Yongping Yang,Study on CO2 capture from molten carbonate fuel cell hybrid system integrated with oxygen ion transfer membrane,Energy,2015.12.15,93(1):20~30

[10]Liqiang Duan,Wanjun Qu,Shi Jia,Tao Feng,Study on the integration characteristics of a novel integrated solar combined cycle system,Energy,2017.05.1,130:351~364

[11]Liqiang Duan,Xiaohui Yu,Shilun Jia,Buyun Wang,Jinsheng Zhang,Performance analysis of a tower solar collector-aided coal-fired power generation system,Energy Science & Engineering,2017.2,5(1):38~50

[12]Liqiang Duan,Hao Lu,Mingye Yuan,Zhipeng Lv,Optimization and part-load performance analysis of MCFC_ST hybrid power system, Energy, 2018.4.1, 152:682~693

[13] Liqiang Duan,Zhen Wang,Performance Study of a Novel Integrated Solar Combined Cycle System,Energies, 2018.12.4, 11:1~22

[14] Liqiang Duan,Ma Jinkai,Lv Zhipeng,Cai Haifan,Study on the Integration Schemes and PerformanceComparisons of Different Integrated Solar Combined Cycle-Direct Steam Generation Systems, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Int. Journal of Energy and Environment, 2018.4.15,12(4):259~269

[15]Liqiang Duan,Kun Xia,Tao Feng,Shilun Jia,Jing Bian,Study on coal-fired power plant with CO2 capture by integrating molten carbonate fuel cell system,Energy,2016,117(1):578-589

[16]Duan, Liqiang,Zhu, Jingnan,Yue, Long,Yang, Yongping,Study on a gas-steam combined cycle system with CO2 capture by integrating molten carbonate fuel cell,Energy,2014, 74:417~427

[17]Liqiang DUAN, Kexin Huang, Xiang PAN, Yongping Yang, Comparison study on different SOFC hybrid systems with zero-CO2 emission, Energy, 2013 (58): 66-77

[18]Liqiang DUAN, Xinming Chen, Yongping Yang,Study on a Novel Process for CO2 Compression and Liquefaction integrated with the refrigeration process, International Journal of Energy Research, 2013,(37):1453-1464

[19]Liqiang Duan, Mingde Zhao, Yongping Yang, Integration and optimization study on the coal-fired power plant with CO2capture using MEA, Energy,45(2012):107-116

[20]Liqiang DUAN, Yongping Yang,Binbin He, Gang xu, Study on A novel SOFC/GT Hybrid Cycle System with CO2 Capture, International Journal of Energy Research, 2012,Volume 36, Issue 2, pages 139–152

[21]Liqiang Duan, Binbin He, Yongping Yang, Parameter optimization study on SOFC-MGT hybrid power system,International Journal of Energy Research, 2011,Volume 35, Issue 8, pages 721–732

[22] Liqiang Duan, Rumou Lin, Shimin Deng, Hongguang Jin, and Ruixian Cai. A Novel IGCC system with steam-injected H2/O2 cycle and CO2 recovery, The International Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, 2004, 45(6): 797-809

[23]Duan, Liqiang,Huang, Kexin,Pan, Xiang,Yang, Yongping,Study on a zero CO2 emission SOFC hybrid power system integrated with OTM using CO2 as sweep gas,International Journal of Energy Research,2013,37(8):811~824,(SCI/EI收录);

[23] 杨勇平,段立强等,分布式能量系统,化工出版社,2011

[24] (乌克兰)杨托科夫斯基等著,段立强等译, 零排放动力循环,机械工业出版社,2011

